Tuesday 26 December 2017

{Epilepsy}[3rd March 1988]

[Redbook5:35][19880304:1835e]{Epilepsy}[3rd March 1988]


In New Scientist also* this week,** in a review of 'The origins of modern British psychiatry{'}, is a fascinating remark on the origins of Electro-Convulsive [sic] Therapy (a treatment which [S E-T]*** told me, if I recall correctly,**** seemed to have stopped her writing (I would ironically say 'cured her of writing'))#. Apparently ECT came into use in an attempt to induce fits after it was noted that 'soon after an epileptic fit, schizophrenic symptoms disappeared'.

Somewhere#* I think I discussed epilepsy in relation to other mental illnesses more easily placed on the Circles; I may have tentatively placed it at A~ or +C†I~. #** This#*** linkage however seems to place epilepsy precisely at +C†I~, whether continuing on the Outer Circle or turning on the Inner Circle. This does tie in with the place of epileptic-type symptoms in extreme religious ecstatic rituals:#**** no other mental illness or 'dis-ease' so far as I know has this aspect of epilepsy.##  Interesting word' 'ecstatic'.

*[See [Redbook5:33-34][19880304:1835b]{Occupational Gender (2)}[3rd March 1988]]

** N[ew] S[cientist] 1602,[p]71.

***[Formerly a successful published author in the U.S.A.. See e.g. [Redbook2:117-119][19780430:1500a]{Occupational Hazards}[30th April 1978]]

****II/III[?]? [I have been unable to find this.]

#{Recently, though, I read of a poet who suffered ECT and continued writing – was it [Sylvia] Plath? If so it doesn't seem to have stopped her dis-ease either.}
[Sylvia Plath underwent electro-convulsive therapy on a number of occasions. She suffered from depression, and committed suicide (after a number of attempts) on 11th February 1963. There is a view that some of her ECT treatments were successful: http://journals.lww.com/ectjournal/Citation/2017/09000/Sylvia_Plath_Recovered_Completely_by.24.aspx;
but this view of ECT is not universal. <20171017>]

#*IV. [[Redbook4:226][19871214:2010d]{Schizophrenia (1) [continued]}[14th December 1987], fn2] near end?

#**{Not A~, I think: that is Depression [sic] (including manic depression) and Anger?}
[Elsewhere (& currently) depression is seen I think as more characteristic of M~ than of A~; but manic depression – bipolar disorder – possible more characteristic of A~. <20171017;(20171223)>]

#***[{Underlining} added later.]

#****ref II.[[Redbook2:203-204][19810914:1900b]{An Epileptic Fit [continued]}[14th September 1981]]….

##But cf. earlier schizophrenics as shamans? <891006>
[If 'earlier' refers to this Journal, rather than to schizophrenia in history, I have been unable to find the reference; but somewhere I seem to recall a reference to earlier societies possibly regarding the hearing of voices as a gift rather than an affliction.]

##*##*{II.[[Redbook2:35-36][19740121:0035]{Fits}[21st January 1974],] 35,
[[Redbook2:202-203][19810914:1900a]{An Epileptic Fit}[14th September 1981],] 202;
III.[[Redbook3:181][19870413:1450](FITS)[13th April 1987],]181}


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