Wednesday 20 December 2017

{Occupational Gender (1)}[3rd March 1988]

[Redbook5:30-31][19880303:1101]{Occupational Gender (1)}[3rd March 1988]


Why, if creative Artists of various kinds are found on the G~ or 'female' hemisphere*, is there not a vast predominance of female Artists? And why does it appear that the majority of best-known artists are male?

The first question is perhaps partly answered by remembering that physical male and female sex does not necessarily, or altogether,* correspond to location on the male or female hemisphere. Each of us contains male and female aspects in varying degrees.

More immediately, however, we must take into account the nature of our Society. I take it as obvious that many people, perhaps most people, do not end up doing what they would like to do in life, i.e. with their lives. It follows from this, and from the findings of statistical research into occupations, that (at least as an implication) many people do not end up in the occupations for which they are suited by their natures. Given the high emphasis our Society places on material production, and the relatively low interest in genuine (i.e. inner-driven) contemporary creative **Art of any kind (e.g. visual, literary or musical), it seems likely that far more Artistic types will end up in unsuitable occupations than will (say) craftsmen, or logical types.***

In the face of the pressures which bring this about, a degree of determination may be required (in the absence of luck) | in order to pursue an Artistic life to the full. (I guess if you took account of amateur painting and dramatic societies, you might well find a general preponderance of females over males; but I don't know this). That degree of determination and will is more usually associated with the male hemisphere,**** particularly with Ordination (S~) and Action (M~), than with the female hemisphere. Hence, perhaps, the lack of an overwhelming predominance of females in Artistic occupations; and also the predominance of males among Artists of high reputation.#

*[Unclear whether in the context this means “completely” or “at all”; probably the former. <201701013>]

**[{Initial capitalisation inserted later}]

***(It is interesting that the Outer Working Day (see earlier [[Redbook4:263-264][19871227:0040b]{The Daily Grind}[26th December 1987]]) ends with food & drink & entertainment around Outer Circle J~-R~, as entertainment is how many people perceive Art.)
{[–] Particularly right-hemisphere [sic – in Circle, not brain, terms, presumably] types – see [[Redbook5:9-16][19880212:1155]{Multiple Viewpoints and Single Minds}[12th February 1988],] p10 – who might be expected to succeed most in the Outer Working Day.}

****{Well, we knew that already! – But it fits.}

#[Feminism might have something to say about what is not said here. <20171220>]
[See [Redbook5:33][19880304:1835]{Occupational Gender (2)]}[4th March 1988] p33.]


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