Monday 11 December 2017

{Creation, Depression and Sleep}[1st March 1988]

[Redbook5:23-24][19880301:2152b]{Creation, Depression and Sleep}[1st March 1988]


Finishing the job* has allowed immense fatigue to appear. Slight depression occurred, fastening upon a minor incident (or nothing), but actually resolved by sleep. Almost invariably now I can attribute my few depressions to lack of sleep or lack of creative work. I guess that in earlier phases of my life, when I was more frequently and far more intensely depressed, I must have been shorter of sleep and of creative outlet. This does provide some support for the possibility that sleep and creative mental activity are linked, or are similar processes. The nature of my writing, and of previous types of my dreams and other sleeping experiences, suggest this. Both are, I suppose, re-creative activities.

When I have a complicated job to do, like building a series of partitions or writing a novel, I do not like to start another type of job – i.e. one requiring a different frame of mind – until I have finished the current one. This may be compartmentalisation* in action: making use of Time which, as I once wrote, enables us to be now one thing, now another:** and Gemini and Time are around A~. Anyway, as a result of this I put off recording thoughts about the Arts, Form v. Content, [sic] for several days.***

*[See last previous entry.]

[ref [Redbook2:105][19780228:1310a]{Time and Diversity}[28th February1978]]

***[See next entry.]


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