Monday 2 October 2017

{Turning Circles}[10th January 1988]

[Redbook4:307][19880110:1125b]{Turning Circles}[10th January 1988]


The 'turning' characteristics* of all the Clubs (Rods) **cards compared with the others (but cp. KS posture and the hieroglyphic***) remind one that there are two major turning points on the Circles (which in this sense are not circular, e.g. 0#): +C†I~, and A~. The difference is that +C†I~ involves fundamental choices (in either direction)**** whereas A~ does not.

*[See last previous entry.]

**[Court, presumably.]

***[In the ms there is an attempt to represent the hieroglyphic, showing something like a spiral.]

****{cf. Sistine Ceiling ([[Redbook4:4-6][19870705:1745d]{Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel}[5th July 1987] ]4 above).}

#[See magnified scan of ms rough representation:]


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