Monday 16 October 2017

{The Separations [continued (3)] – The Line}[12th January 1988]

[Redbook4:312][19880112:1805g]{The Separations [continued (3)] – The Line}[12th January 1988]


The distinction of top and bottom – +C†I~ v. A~ [–] is more difficult* but many of the attributes etc. do help: particularly Cerebral v. Manufactoral, as well (of course) as Unity v. Diversity, and Attraction v. Distraction.
The distinction of Cerebral v. Manufactoral is not the same as the distinction of Inner v. Outer, even of Inner Life v. Outer World, nor as the distinctions of Soul v. Body, and Spiritual Kingdom v. Physical World. Nevertheless these distinctions are all similar.

*[i.e. than the distinction in the last previous entry.]



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