Friday 20 October 2017

{The Separations [continued (8)] – A~, and +C†I~}[12th January 1988]

[Redbook4:315-316][19880112:1805l]{The Separations [continued (8)] – A~, and +C†I~}[12th January 1988]


The first {spatial} dimension* is the most interesting, currently. From the moment of** that first Idea,*** Time must {have} started {to} run: therefore it must incorporate Time within itself****. A~ therefore is in at the beginning,# and it is correct to say that he is the chief Agent of the Separation: if one understands that although +C†I~ is in some sense also separated from the Singularity in the opposite direction by the mere fact of A~'s separation, in {an}other (and true) sense +C†I~ is not separated at all:#* he is that from which the Separation goes out and that to which it returns, and he is the incarnation within Time (and the Separation) of the One that is without Time (and the Separation). Within the Separation, the Centre#** around which A~ and +C†I~ revolve,#*** is empty. ('Without' the Separation, the Separation is perhaps within that Centre).

*[See last previous entry.]

**[cf. last previous entry, fn2(**)]

***{(} or just before{)}? <880113>

****{(bearing in mind that it is the Sword and the Rod)}

#or nearly! <880113>

#*(cf. XS's 1st session in [2]:
God the Spirit: Separation is not it;
and, the Son: an incarnation of God the Spirit as a specifically Human form.)
["...We can consider God in another way: by what he is not.
"From this point of view, there are two aspects to God. One is the Totality, of everything, including, of course, evil.
"The other aspect could be called God the Spirit, or Holy Ghost: the essence of God, which is. We can consider this by relation to what it is not: separation is not it." ([2])
...In this context, God the Son is the incarnation of God the Spirit as a specifically Human form." ([2])]

#**[Possibly there should have been a comma here, or not at #***.]

#***('revolve' in the sense of Creation spin: not necessarily in Circle terms)

(I felt and feel that there was and is more.)

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