Thursday 5 October 2017

{Number Card Symbols}[11th January 1988]

[Redbook4:307][19880111:0135]{Number Card Symbols}[11th January 1988]


Quick notes on the number cards 2-10


[5 swords joining at top]
4 circles?)

(cf. *)
Note always curved swords in opposite [crossing] arcs *()*, with sometimes central sword:
10: *(/\)* (unnecessary to have centre [vertical] because even No..) (cf. 10R[ods])
The lower the number, the more and bigger the flowers and leaves.

*(|)*[sword up;]
(all other odd nos.): *()*.
(*Ͻ̵ *) [horizontal cup, top to left])(10)(2 Fish At Pisces)
(gives direction?)

*Υ*[Cup] 10 – no flowers or leaves. Top Cup horizontal.
9-3 – Flowers or leaves on all.
2 – FISH (x2) (i.e. Z[odiac]. Pisces (in right place)


Flowers or leaves on all. 2: 8 (Publisher's name).
(Only) 4: Flower in square in centre (like tulip – or cup?).
Same coins in all (Quick check!).


(cf. I, II-V)

Rods (Clubs):
Central interleaving similar to curved sword ends.
Flowers or leaves except 9. Always 2 diagonals *X*, + sometimes vertical *|*.
The Rods (all straight) are virtually or exactly the same design as the curved swords (or scimitars).
10 – has vertical 2 although unnecessary (even No.) – verticals coloured. (cf. 10S[words].

*[indicates small sketches or symbols in the ms omitted here.]
**[indicates simplified or partial representation of small sketch or symbol, between the **. In these representations, *( )* (with or without other symbols between) indicates curved swords or scimitars crossing at top and bottom; *|* in Swords indicates a sword point upwards, unless otherwise shown **.]

(I have been meaning to look at the Number Cards since earlier today.)


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