Monday 30 October 2017

{The Tower}[13th January 1988]

[Redbook4:321][19880113:1107c]{The Tower}[13th January 1988]


Even set in that context,* these dreams and images of house collapse are disturbing. I remember when I {considered}** a previous period of similar dreams – in the flat – I felt that they might be due to actual danger.

However, I have looked fairly thoroughly into [CH] now: apart from some rotten joist ends – which show no sign of current movement, either of themselves over a period, or as one crosses them; and which I am gradually supporting with strong partitions and beams, before I repair them – there is not a sign of any structural fault. Those who know the house say that it is a solid little house, built on rock; it is the only pre-War*** house we looked at, I think, with no cracks in the walls of any kind.

On the last period of these dreams, within the period 1980 to 1985/6 I think (of which intense period this could, of course, be a hangover) – I believe I commented that I might be on the Outer Circle near or passing J~ (I now believe this to be correct), with the possibility or radial resonance from T.XI The Tower (struck by lightning), on the Inner Circle. It may be that I am now approaching that point from the Transformation Point on the Inner Circle, and that Circumferential Resonance is making its effects felt.****

*[See last previous entry.]

**[previously, 'discussed'] [Probably at [Redbook2:275-276][19830516:1615]{Dreams of Houses}[16th May 1983]].
[& see: [[Redbook4:53][19870804:1320d:1407d]{Dreams: Of Collapsing Buildings}[4th August 1987]];
[Redbook4:56-57][19870817:0940b]{Dreams [continued]: … And of a New Outbuilding.}[17th August 1987];
[Redbook4:77-78][19871002:2245b]{Personal Circles}[2nd October 1987],fn*.]

***[i.e built before 1939]

****But cf. [A][(the next house)].... <930903>
[& really, this might all have been about domestic issues, although that does not of itself negate Circle interpretations (but not necessarily this one) <20171030>]


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