Tuesday 10 October 2017

{Question-and-Answer method: Gender Orientation* [continued]}[12th January 1988]

[Redbook4:309][19880112:1805b]{Question-and-Answer method: Gender Orientation* [continued]}[12th January 1988]


In terms of gender orientation*, it may help to keep a basic Outer Circle in mind:

[Text of ms diagram of which an extract is shown above:]











[The two arrows from Unity are dashed. The ms diagram arrows curve around the circles and include the usual curved reversing arrows on either side of the top point: outer circle clockwise to inner circle anti-clockwise, solid, on the left of the top point; and inner circle anti-clockwise to outer circle clockwise, dashed, on the right of the top point.]

(This perhaps indicates why gender orientation, of which sexuality is a small but significant part, may be important in Circles Analysis.)***

At this stage it becomes necessary to explain by applying hypothetical solutions to actual (or fictional) examples.
(1) A male, born Gemini-Taurus, without relevant complications of upbringing, might have the long-term outlook of the male he was born as but with an instinctive identification or sympathy with the female outlook from his birth date.
(2) If he were to find himself at the 'Transformation Point' on the Outer Circle, he might feel the Attraction at a Cerebral level (but on the Outer World) of the Male hemisphere [sic]; and conflicting with this, possibly [might] live in the Inner World for the female hemisphere.

*[See last previous entry including footnotes.]

**[See above]

***(i.e. because it is one aspect of the horizontal polarity.)



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