Friday 20 October 2017

{The Separations [continued (7)] – Creation}[12th January 1988]

[Redbook4:315][19880112:1805k]{The Separations [continued (7)] – Creation}[12th January 1988]


I had thought at first that Circle separation came first, then Line, then Cone;* but in fact I need to go back some years to my own consideration of the nature of Creation, at any level.

There is the Singularity.

The first concept, idea or act** is to divide this in two, creating the first {spatial} dimension along a single (vertical) line, height.

The second concept, idea or act** is to add a second (horizontal) line, at right-angles, creating the second {spatial} dimension, breadth or length. Only at this stage*** does a Circle, and Spin, become possible: Spin, which may be the only way to create something out of nothing.

The third concept, idea or act** is to add the third {spatial} dimension, depth, which in association with the first two gives rise to the Cone, in which it is possible to create different and mutually independent [sic]**** Orders of existence.# It is possible to interpret the original Grail symbols to support this: the Cross (or Sword or Spade) being a mastering symbol#* incorporating all three dimensions:
the Rod (or Spear or Club) is the First {Spatial} Dimension,
the Disc (or Plate or Diamond or Money) is the Second,
and the Ring (or Cup or Heart) is the Third.
(This is a different order from that implied by JHVH, ה ו הי, which is round the Circle, not +(#***): this difference is recurrent, like that involving the 4 living creatures, and like that may involve descriptions of two different things and the link between them.

*[See last two previous entries.]

**[Interesting that these three descriptive options – concept, idea and act – can be allocated among the top three Cardinal points of the Circle: +C†I~ (Concept),(/↔?) G~ (Idea), and M~ (Act) – suggesting that the initial separation of Creation at the physical level is a part of the separation of thought which makes it possible. <20170811>]

***,by a combination of the first two dimensions,

****[sic – surely interdependent – see last previous entry but one ([Redbook4:313][1988012:1805i]{The Separations [continued (5)] – The Cone}[12th January 1988]) – unless independent here is meant in a different sense not excluding interdependence.]

#Mathematics suggests others....

#*{Time, of the One?}

#** [correctly, I think, written right to left י ה ו ה ?]

#***[In the ms the lowest point and the leftmost point of the + are linked by a straight line.]



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