Monday 30 October 2017

{The Devil?}[13th January 1988]

[Redbook4:321-322][19880113:1107d]{The Devil?}[13th January 1988]


It is interesting that T.XV, the Devil (or Horned God(dess?) or Celtic Priest(ess?)), an unprepossessing figure, marks the beginning of the Inner 'Circle' on the Mantelpiece* scheme (One of the characteristics of this system, as of Nature, is the overlap of functions and the multiplicity of possible correct interpretations). The more I look at it (which I don't do very often) the more it looks as though this figure {(T.XV)} is about to cut the rope which binds the two, male and female, to the plinth or anvil on which he stands – the World, the Flesh, and the Devil?**

*[Ref presumably [Redbook4:241-244][19871219:1055h]{The Mantelpiece (1)}[19th December 1987]ff;
& presumably [Redbook4:246-249][19871221:0000b]{The Mantelpiece (2)}[21st December 1987] ]

**(and animal natures)


{The Tower}[13th January 1988]

[Redbook4:321][19880113:1107c]{The Tower}[13th January 1988]


Even set in that context,* these dreams and images of house collapse are disturbing. I remember when I {considered}** a previous period of similar dreams – in the flat – I felt that they might be due to actual danger.

However, I have looked fairly thoroughly into [CH] now: apart from some rotten joist ends – which show no sign of current movement, either of themselves over a period, or as one crosses them; and which I am gradually supporting with strong partitions and beams, before I repair them – there is not a sign of any structural fault. Those who know the house say that it is a solid little house, built on rock; it is the only pre-War*** house we looked at, I think, with no cracks in the walls of any kind.

On the last period of these dreams, within the period 1980 to 1985/6 I think (of which intense period this could, of course, be a hangover) – I believe I commented that I might be on the Outer Circle near or passing J~ (I now believe this to be correct), with the possibility or radial resonance from T.XI The Tower (struck by lightning), on the Inner Circle. It may be that I am now approaching that point from the Transformation Point on the Inner Circle, and that Circumferential Resonance is making its effects felt.****

*[See last previous entry.]

**[previously, 'discussed'] [Probably at [Redbook2:275-276][19830516:1615]{Dreams of Houses}[16th May 1983]].
[& see: [[Redbook4:53][19870804:1320d:1407d]{Dreams: Of Collapsing Buildings}[4th August 1987]];
[Redbook4:56-57][19870817:0940b]{Dreams [continued]: … And of a New Outbuilding.}[17th August 1987];
[Redbook4:77-78][19871002:2245b]{Personal Circles}[2nd October 1987],fn*.]

***[i.e built before 1939]

****But cf. [A][(the next house)].... <930903>
[& really, this might all have been about domestic issues, although that does not of itself negate Circle interpretations (but not necessarily this one) <20171030>]


{Complaints}[13th January 1988]

[Redbook4:320][19880113:1107b]{Complaints}[13th January 1988]


Yesterday* while writing** and while going to bed I had (unusually) a few stomach twinges;*** last night (probably for domestic reasons) I didn't sleep properly until about 4am, and before that was troubled with images of [CH] collapsing {–} so real that in the end I switched on the light and carefully examined the ceiling. I had lower back-ache, and I also felt rather hungry. This morning I feel weak in the limbs, and peculiar in the head:**** concentration is more difficult than usual. It might be a bug, or simply lack of sleep.

*I also had back-shoulder ache.

**[[Redbook4:308-311][19880112:1805]{Question-and-Answer method: Gender Orientation*}[12th January 1988] to
[Redbook4:319][19880112:1805s]{Opposites (5)*}[12th January 1988]]

***It is the first evening for several weeks, I think, on which I have not had dyspepsia.
The twinges are recurring now.



Sunday 29 October 2017

{Creation Tarot}[13th January 1988]

[Redbook4:319-320][19880113:1107]{Creation Tarot}[13th January 1988]


There was a certain relief, yesterday,* at being involved in something that did not involve Tarots. But if the Tarot system **describes a perception of reality, the correspondence might go something like this:***

{(Revised p324)}****
Circles Pattern
Mantelpiece pattern#

Plane or Level


Line or Static

Spiritual Kingdom (Spirit)#*
Circle or Dynamic
Physical World (Body)
Cone or Order
Mental Zone (Soul)


The merit of this is that it explains why the Tarot Circles run (say) anti-clockwise, clockwise, anti-clockwise, and why they seem to be (as it were) good (or at least neutral, or benevolent), bad, good: in terms of Creation, the Mental Zone by which Man is able to develop and refine his Soul can only begin the spiral (?) 'ascent' back to God after completion of the anti-spiral [sic] (?) 'descent' of or into the Physical Universe; and that can only occur after the creation of the spiral (?) or circular Spiritual Kingdom, nearer to God.#**

I am not very happy, though, with the fit of the Court Cards to this pattern: it is possible, but Knaves seem to have an extra-ordinary range of roles from Outer Outer Circle businessmen (going to go round again), to Individual Angelic Spirits. It is possible, though, that the same idea underlies both: it is possible.

*[See last previous entries, from [Redbook4:308-311][1988012:1805]{Question-and-Answer method: Gender Orientation*}[12th January 1988];
but presumably referring particularly to [Redbook4:312][1988012:1805f]{The Separations}[12th January 1988]ff.]

**[or can (be used to) describe?]

***{(But see [[Redbook4:324][1988013:1503]{Tarot Circles and Creation Tarot}[13th January 1988](&f?)] p324)}] p324.)}

****{(Revised [[Redbook4:324][1988013:1503]{Tarot Circles and Creation Tarot}[13th January 1988](&f?)] p324)}

#[Ref presumably [Redbook4:241-244][19871219:1055h]{The Mantelpiece (1)}[19th December 1987]ff;
& presumably [Redbook4:246-249][19871221:0000b]{The Mantelpiece (2)}[21st December 1987] ]

#1 [Tiny sketch diagram of single anticlockwise circle centred on (radial) square and diagonal crosses]
#2 [Tiny sketch diagram of clockwise outer circle.]
#3 [Tiny sketch diagram of anticlockwise inner circle.]

#*{/↓[=or with next line]?}

#**{But see [[[Redbook4:324][1988013:1503]{Tarot Circles and Creation Tarot}[13th January 1988](&f?)]] p324, where T.II-V does not represent creation of the Spiritual Kingdom.}


Saturday 28 October 2017

{Opposites (5)*}[12th January 1988]

[Redbook4:319][19880112:1805s]{Opposites (5)*}[12th January 1988]


So far as other **relationships are concerned – I still have in mind the nature of **chords, etc., in relation to the Principles at each end and alongside. This simply needs to be tested.

[Text of ms. diagram of which extract is shown above:]












Inner Action
Outer Action










***The question is: if you take the relationship along any line (through the Centre between two points on the same Circle, for simplicity now), and shift it to the next parallel line between two points on the same Circle: to what extent is the shift in relationships accounted for by the Principles you are moving it at right angles towards (and, for that matter, the diametrically opposite ones you are moving it away from)?

The quick answer is, to a limited extent; it is too late at night for a thorough look at this.

*[[Redbook4:286-287][19880103:1211g]{Opposites (1)}[3rd January 1988]ff;
[Redbook4:288-290][19880104:1622f]{Opposites (2)}[4th January 1988]ff;
[Redbook4:294][19880106:0100]{Opposites (3)*}[6th January 1988];
[Redbook4:301][19880109:1445c]{Opposites (4)}[9th January 1988]]

**[Circle, presumably. See recent previous entries, especially those referred to in other footnotes to this entry..]

***{Per [[Redbook4:301][19880109:1445c]{Opposites (4)}[9th January 1988],] 301}

See [[Redbook4:325-326][1988013:1503]{Opposites (6)}[13th January 1988],] 326.



Thursday 26 October 2017

{Spirals?}[12th January 1988]

[Redbook4:318][19880112:1805r]{Spirals?}[12th January 1988]


*And is the Inner Circle a tendency to spiral up – and the Outer Circle a tendency to spiral down?

(And what about T[arots]II-V?)**

*[See last previous entries.]

**[Ref recent previous entries.]


{Three Spatial Dimensions*}[12th January 1988]

[Redbook4:318][19880112:1805q]{Three Spatial Dimensions*}[12th January 1988]


*To summarise** the possible pattern of Creation:

(0) The One – creates Time, {the 0th Dimension? <880113>}

[(1)] Line or Static Separation[:] (1) In the First (Idea of) Separation, God the One creates the First Spatial Dimension, and A~, the Rod, and becomes +C†I~, the Sword, while remaining One.

[(2)] Circle or Dynamic Separation[:] (2) In the Second (Idea of) Separation, (God) creates the Second Spatial Dimension, Disc and Cup***, Circles, and Spin (and the Spiritual Kingdom?)****

[(3)] Cone or Plane# Separation[:] (3) In the Third (Idea of) Separation, (God) creates the Third Spatial Dimension, the Cone, the Planes; and the Physical Universe?

(Revised p.324)#*

*{amended 19880113}

**[See recent entries.]

***[Surely elsewhere in these Journals the Cup symbolises/suggests three spatial dimensions as against the Disc's two?]

****{No – see [[Redbook4:324][1988013:1503]{Tarot Circles and Creation Tarot}[13th January 1988](&f?)] p324.}

#no – confusing. <880113>

#*[=]{(but see [[Redbook4:324][1988013:1503]{Tarot Circles and Creation Tarot}[13th January 1988](&f?)] p324.)}


Wednesday 25 October 2017

{The Skewed Cone}[12th January 1988]

[Redbook4:317-318][19880112:1805p]{The Skewed Cone}[12th January 1988]


In the Cone,* too the further in the depths of a Cone a plane is, the further A~ is from +C†I~,** as in the Physical Universe or what we call the Material World; and the nearer to the Apex of the Cone a plane is, the nearer A~ (and everyone else) is to +C†I~, as in the Spiritual Kingdom. Men at A~ are further from +C†I~, therefore, in the Material World, than in the Spiritual Kingdom. We are, through the faculty of our Mental Zone, able to operate to an extent within either.

This perhaps explains why people like me find it hard to work in commerce and finance without telling lies, whereas a different type of person – more like [SX]*** perhaps? – seems to manage it.

*[See last previous entry; and [Redbook4:313][1988012:1805i]{The Separations [continued (5)] – The Cone}[12th January 1988] ff.]

**{(It may even be a Right Cone.)}

***[See [Redbook4:287][19880104:1622e]{Marital Crisis}[4th January 1988] ff]


Tuesday 24 October 2017

{The Sword of Separation}[12th January 1988]

[Redbook4:317][19880112:1805o]{The Sword of Separation}[12th January 1988]


It is interesting, too, to think back and realise that this concept of the nature of +C†I~ and the 1st {spatial} dimension* – the Sword and the Rod – is built into the symbol of the Skewed Cone, and seems now to have been inevitable since first that appeared.** The Sword is the Sword of Separation – not the Sword in the Separation, used by the Separation, but the Sword which creates the Separation and continues to create and evolve it even now. And built into the symbol of the Sword are all the {spatial} dimensions: the length of it for the first{,} the cross-hilt for the second, and the thickness of it for the third. Hence the Cross itself (of the cross-hilted sword) is the symbol of Matter – an extreme form of Separation – and thus of Separation itself; and of the One who wields the Sword, creating the Separation{: and the point*** of it, is Time?}

*[[Redbook4:315][19880112:1805k]{The Separations [continued (7)] – Creation}[12th January 1988]& prev., &ff.]

**? III. [[Redbook3:211-214][19870419:1050h](THE STRUCTURE OF TOTALITY)[19th April 1987],ff] (end?).
[But cf. [Redbook3:214][19870419:1050k](THE STRUCTURE OF TOTALITY [continued(4)])[19th April 1987], 2nd para, 1st sentence.]

***[presumably in a physical rather than a purposive sense? (or possibly both)]


Sunday 22 October 2017

{Blessings}[12th January 1988]

[Redbook4:316-317][19880112:1805n]{Blessings}[12th January 1988]


Coming downstairs earlier this evening, after saying a second goodnight to [d], I found myself full of thanks to God for allowing us the company of two such lovely little Souls as our children, [d] and [s]. These moments are more precious than anything else – that the World has to offer, I guess.


{Breakthrough}[12th January 1988]

[Redbook4:316][19880112:1805m]{Breakthrough}[12th January 1988]


It's funny how the mind works: earlier this evening,* I nearly wrote that I felt I was near to a breakthrough in understanding the vertical polarity;** it sounded rather pompous and risky, so I didn't. While this** certainly isn't complete, and while it probably isn't original *** (what is? – yes. [sic]), in terms of these Journals it is a breakthrough.

*(c.[[Redbook4:310-311][1988012:1805d]{Question-and-Answer method: Gender Orientation* [continued (4)]}[12th January 1988]; [Redbook4:311][1988012:1805e]{Outer Circle Scorpio}[12th January 1988] ] p311, I think – before I began to write about it, anyway.)
[The implication of this would appear to be that writing is a significant part of thinking (whatever thinking may be), at least on a conscious or perceived level.]

**[[Redbook4:312][1988012:1805f]{The Separations}[12th January 1988],ff]

***{cp. [?] 305} [It is not clear to what this refers in
[Redbook4:304-305][19880109:1445n]{[The Tarot [continued (11)] – ]Aces [continued (9)] – The Sword [continued]}[9th January 1988]
&/or [Redbook4:305][19880110:0130]{Confused}[10th January 1988].]


Friday 20 October 2017

{The Separations [continued (8)] – A~, and +C†I~}[12th January 1988]

[Redbook4:315-316][19880112:1805l]{The Separations [continued (8)] – A~, and +C†I~}[12th January 1988]


The first {spatial} dimension* is the most interesting, currently. From the moment of** that first Idea,*** Time must {have} started {to} run: therefore it must incorporate Time within itself****. A~ therefore is in at the beginning,# and it is correct to say that he is the chief Agent of the Separation: if one understands that although +C†I~ is in some sense also separated from the Singularity in the opposite direction by the mere fact of A~'s separation, in {an}other (and true) sense +C†I~ is not separated at all:#* he is that from which the Separation goes out and that to which it returns, and he is the incarnation within Time (and the Separation) of the One that is without Time (and the Separation). Within the Separation, the Centre#** around which A~ and +C†I~ revolve,#*** is empty. ('Without' the Separation, the Separation is perhaps within that Centre).

*[See last previous entry.]

**[cf. last previous entry, fn2(**)]

***{(} or just before{)}? <880113>

****{(bearing in mind that it is the Sword and the Rod)}

#or nearly! <880113>

#*(cf. XS's 1st session in [2]:
God the Spirit: Separation is not it;
and, the Son: an incarnation of God the Spirit as a specifically Human form.)
["...We can consider God in another way: by what he is not.
"From this point of view, there are two aspects to God. One is the Totality, of everything, including, of course, evil.
"The other aspect could be called God the Spirit, or Holy Ghost: the essence of God, which is. We can consider this by relation to what it is not: separation is not it." ([2])
...In this context, God the Son is the incarnation of God the Spirit as a specifically Human form." ([2])]

#**[Possibly there should have been a comma here, or not at #***.]

#***('revolve' in the sense of Creation spin: not necessarily in Circle terms)

(I felt and feel that there was and is more.)

- - - -
