Monday 23 February 2015

{The School of Economic Science}[4th October 1981]

[Redbook2:205][19811004:1415a]{The School of Economic Science}[4th October 1981]


I had been 'visited' with dreams* of a return in adult life to St. Q's**, for some kind of new teaching and learning; sometimes the images were identifiably a part of that building, sometimes not so (but still felt like my old school). When I discovered that the School of Economic Science, whose courses [SX] [a colleague at work] had mentioned, occupied 90 Queen's Gate, which I had attended as Wagners***, I decided to go definitely now instead of possibly next year. I was late, the only taxi refused me, I ran, and arrived incoherent and dripping.

*[For example [Redbook2:197][19810823:1250] above]

**[First boarding school, aged 8 to 13]

***(pre-preparatory school – Aged c.6-8.)



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