Friday 6 February 2015

{A Dream of Visions, and the Soul's Uncertainty? [continued]}[4th July 1981]

[Redbook2:191A][19810704:0500c]{A Dream of Visions, and the Soul's Uncertainty? [continued]}[4th July 1981]


[(3)](b) In the second part [of the dream] in a particular organisation or institute, a girl was refusing to give some film which she had. She was a lovely, tall blonde girl, but slightly scatter-brained. +M (…) was attempting to talk her gently into giving, rather as one might talk a potential suicide down from a high window ledge (indeed, there was some feeling that this was exactly what he was doing. (I think he may have offered her a cup of tea)). She was in great uncertainty. He did not attempt to cajole her, but simply talked her logically through the decision. At the end of this, I distinctly heard him say to her: “Oh(?), [Hunter, Hunter, Hunter, Hunter, Hunter]!” (or was it four times?? – possibly, but probably five) – not with any tone other than (I now realise, remembering the tone) Love. (I think that maybe in the end she did give the film). (That dream was in fact this morning.)


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