Saturday 17 September 2022

{Travelling Cycles [continued]}[8th November 1990]

[Redbook8:104-105][19901108:1417b]{Travelling Cycles [continued]}[8th November 1990]



So* what happens when an impulse spreading geographically from a precise cycle in one location arrives at another location, after an interval for travel, at a particular time point on the overall precise cycle framework?

Presumably, it depends when it arrives; or at least, this is worth considering. Something along the lines of interference patterns or effects might be expected, or for example the way sine wave** patterns cancel each other out.

Actually one effect has already been suggested:*** that a ‘travelling’ cycle or impulse – eg with an invading migration or cultural wave – will tend to be absorbed into the current cycle of appropriate scale wherever it arrives.

*[See last previous entry]

**ref [[Redbook8:41][19901025:1200]{Sine Waves?}[25th October 1990],] 41

***ref [[Redbook8:81-82][19901031:1540d]{Anglo-Saxon Cycles [continued (3)]}[31st October 1990]&f?,] 81-82



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