Saturday 3 September 2022

{[The Neolithic Period [continued]] – Sacred Bulls}[8th November 1990]

[Redbook8:97-98][19901108:1030b]{[The Neolithic Period [continued]] – Sacred Bulls}[8th November 1990]



‘Two examples of these* (dating from c7000 and 6000BC[E] are the original settlement at Jericho, and the site of Çatal Hüyük** in Southern Turkey. At the latter, an impressive shrine has been excavated, with the skulls of long-horned wild cattle*** (aurochs) covered in mud plaster and set into the wall of the sanctuary. The smoothed wall surfaces of nearby buildings were painted in red ocher with representations of hunting scenes, showing men surrounding the bull.**** Other scenes in the sanctuary depict large birds# pecking at what are probably human corpses – strongly suggesting that bodies were exposed before burial. At Jericho, a similar concern with the body after death is shown by skulls with plastered faces and cowrie shells#* set in the eye sockets.’#**

{(&?)} – a possible ¾ C[ircles] A[nalysis] & S[ynthesis] correlation:

*(small towns also serving as craft and religious centres)







#** – ibid [Encyclopaedia of Visual Art], 12



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