Monday 19 September 2022

{Travelling Cycles [continued (5)]}[8th November 1990]

[Redbook8:105][19901108:1417e]{Travelling Cycles [continued (5)]}[8th November 1990]



The Beaker folk arrived c2300/2000bceff; [but]* it is quite true that the Celts arriving from c8thC[entury]bce** were (also?) conquered by the Romans and then driven out*** and ruled by the Saxons.

I am not quite sure where that gets us.... ****

*[See last previous entry]

**[But cf recent suggestions that “Celtic” might describe a culture (& its migrations) rather than a people]

***[But quaere how much of the native Romano-British ‘Celtic’ population was actually driven out of what is now England by the Anglo-Saxons – apart from their defeated leaders, who would have written the subsequent histories of defeat. Welsh continued to be spoken in many parts of what are now England for centuries after the arrival and dominance of Anglo-Saxons, and in some areas even after the Norman Conquest.]

****[But see fns=** & *** above]



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