Saturday 10 September 2022

{[The Neolithic Period [continued (6)]] – The Artistic Cycle} [8th November 1990]

[Redbook8:99-100][19901108:1030e]{[The Neolithic Period [continued (6)]] – The Artistic Cycle} [8th November 1990]



*‘In the early phases of the style** the paint was mainly applied in narrow multiple lines,*** making a repetitive succession of motifs.**** #With time, the linear style gave way to a #*block-painted style in which larger areas were covered with paint, and the motifs themselves became bolder and simpler. Individual panels of ornament gained an organic relationship with one another, with #**bold curves balanced on opposite sides of the vessel. #***Finally, the continuity of decorative elements was broken#**** and individual motifs occurred in isolation ## – circles or squares##** rather than spirals – sparsely ##* distributed round the surface of the vessel. This cycle of development – emergence, florescence, and decline into incoherence – is a characteristic feature of the evolution of particular styles in decorative systems over long periods of time.’##***



**[See last previous entry]













##**** – ibid [Encyclopaedia of Visual Art,], 16



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