Friday 9 September 2022

{[The Neolithic Period [continued (5)]] – Sacred Curves [continued (3)}[8th November 1990]

[Redbook8:99][19901108:1030e]{[The Neolithic Period [continued (5)]] – Sacred Curves [continued (3)}[8th November 1990]



‘Some of the most attractive surviving products of the 4th millennium BC[E] are the ceramics of the Gumelnitsa* and Sulcutsa groups in Bulgaria, and the related Cucuteni and Tripole groups of Rumania and the Ukraine. Their pottery shapes make use of elegantly opposed curves, especially carinated forms with a convex profile above and a concave one beneath. The elegance of shapes was complemented by painted ornament of geometric intricacy.


*{See [[Redbook8:101-102][19901108:1030#]{[The Neolithic Period [continued (#)]] – The Artistic Cycle [continued (#)]} [8th November 1990],] 101-2}

**[– ibid (Encyclopaedia of Visual Art), 16]



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