Friday 29 July 2022

{Epiphanies and Theophanies at Crisis}[29th October 1990]

[Redbook8:74][19901029:1050b]{Epiphanies and Theophanies at Crisis}[29th October 1990]



‘Jewish and gentile literature of the Graeco-Roman period is full of these “epiphanies” and “theophanies”, illustrative of divine omnipotence.’*

[–] N[ew] J[erusalem] B[ible], Note g to 2M[accabees] 3:30 (which is part of a description of an angelic appearance).

The Graeco-Roman period presumably begins with the conquests of Alexander. c330bc[e], and continues for 300-400 years after 0ce. This is 2048R~-C-S~/r~ (and 4096cC),** when the circle comes nearest to divinity.

*[There is an implication in the quoted text, on which the implied connection with the journal text relies, that this is not true of other periods; but this is neither spelt out not evidenced.]

**[That’s settled?]


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