Wednesday 27 July 2022

{Chronology, Conjuncture, and Comparison}[28th October 1990]

[Redbook8:73][19901028:1645]{Chronology, Conjuncture, and Comparison}[28th October 1990]


‘Steinberg* thus turns to the historian’s tools of chronology and conjuncture** to establish the particular historical circumstances within which the Italian {potential}*** for humanitarian behaviour was in fact realised.’****

‘Chronology and conjuncture’ – I like that. I do it, too.#


*[Almost certainly the Jonathan Steinberg who was a Fellow of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, during the writer’s time at Cambridge, & to whom the writer idealistically if rather ill-advisedly sent an early version of S&C....]

**(sic – not conjecture)

{conjuncture = ‘Combination of events, (= condition, state) posture of affairs’.

(Concise Oxford Dictionary)}

***[‘{potential}’ corrected in ms from ‘behaviour’]

****-- T[imes] L[iterary] S[upplement] 19901019-25:1125,

Browning, ‘Genocide Forestalled’

#*{Surely there must be more to Historical Methodolgy than this? Yes – eg comparison! (later in [the] same T[imes] L[iterary] S[upplement] article)***}


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