Tuesday 26 July 2022

{Description, Explanation, and Transformation}[28th October 1990]

[Redbook8:73][19901028:1630b]{Description, Explanation, and Transformation}[28th October 1990]



If the Visual Arts* may be seen most naturally to describe things – yes, I know, but we always come back to that in the end – then Literature,** allowing for overlap and movement between categories, may be said to explain matters, and Music*** may be felt to transform qualities, lifting them into a higher realm; or merely returning them to the first, or even to a lower.


In this way the arts are a vital part of that recollection of cycle with which a great culture approaches its Crisis.#



[Originally ‘the literary arts’ in ms, deleted]


****{(And Science & Technology, on the right O[uter] C[ircle]?)

? Description of things


(But also U~)

Explanation of matters


Transformation of properties


}[This analysis seems less persuasive; the order of degreees might work better (if at all) reversed, ie U~→M~→S~]

#ref [[Redbook8:68][19901027:2248]{Recollection for Crisis (1)}[27th October 1990],] 68


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