Friday 8 July 2022

{A Dream: In the Presence of [G~]}[25th October 1990]

[Redbook8:42][19901025:1351c]{A Dream: In the Presence of [G~]}[25th October 1990]



In a dream or dream fragment this morning I remember that I soared up through the roof of some sort of square temple; descended peacefully again to the floor; and found myself, not exactly bowing but perhaps crouching under the tremendous, the overwhelming quality of *|the|* presence of G~, or +K, in a kind of bay** of the temple.

It occurred to me that in*** a place that is Other, like the [...]land, you will tend to find the 4 cardinals**** more than the 4 diagonals,# because the latter are here more, in this actual World; and here, you will tend to find the 4 diagonals more than the 4 cardinals, because the 4 cardinals are more There, of the Other.

Whether this is in fact correct, I cannot say; but I do know that as I awoke[,] the tremendous quality of the presence of G~ became simply the friendly and nearby presence of +K.

*[*|the|* inserted in ms]

** or side-chapel

***{“in” as written [& subsequently struck through & reinstated]}

****ie g~, a~, m~, c

#ie r~, j~, u~, s~.


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