Wednesday 9 February 2022

{Voting Circles}[15th September 1990]

[Redbook7:295-296][19900915:1543]{Voting Circles}[15th September 1990]



‘Countless polls have found that the Tories tend to do better among older voters and women, while Labour does best among younger voters and men.’*

which as far as men and women are concerned, is exactly the opposite to what C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis] would suggest. I can reiterate** that G~ and M~ are not equivalent*** to female and male; but only if I withdraw any C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis] fit where I have emphasised the similarity;**** and even then, I would not have expected such a blatant contradiction.

*per [The] Ind[ependent] 19900915:7[:] Analysis of N[ational] O[pinion] P[olls] surveys (June - Aug[ust])

**[[Redbook7:255][19900827:1050d]{Love, Sex and Marriage [continued]}[27th August 1990] (eg?)]

***{= identical?}

****{No; the relationship is similar, is analogous.}



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