Sunday 20 February 2022

{Literary Analysis (and Synthesis)}[18th September 1990]

[Redbook7:307][19900918:0943]{Literary Analysis (and Synthesis)}[18th September 1990]


‘I would take a copy of the text and sit up on the roof in the grime*... and try and take the thing apart technically, to see why this scene or that scene worked.’

Ind[ependent] 19900917:16 (Playwright Ian Curteis talking to Danny Danziger on his six months as a general assistant at Joan Littlewood’s Theatre Royal, Stratford East, in 1956)

I only put this in to remind myself what I ought to be doing. I tend all too easily to be wholly sucked into the work of art, which is the ideal for approaching it (synthesis?), instead of analysing it as well. This** is, presumably, a balanced rotation under C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis]: synthesis and analysis, necessary if one is to mesh at all with the World-as-it-is.

*[Presumed word unclear in ms]

**[ie both]



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