Friday 18 February 2022

{Monsters: Evangelical Christians and the New Age [continued (7)]}[15th September 1990]

[Redbook7:306][19900916:2115g]{Monsters: Evangelical Christians and the New Age [continued (7)]}[15th September 1990]



If I have to choose, my heart is always with the New Agers; but basically, I follow the line that’s given to me,* wherever it leads.

I just think that the Evangelicals in Britain are getting dangerously big for their boots.**

*[Presumably what is meant here (reckoning by the general tenor of this Journal) is the inner-arising line: not just anything anyone suggests; & not uncritically]

**{I also think that, in the end – and before very long – the activities and attitudes of Evangelical Christians may mean the end of Christianity by that name.}


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