Monday 14 February 2022

{ Monsters: Evangelical Christians and the New Age [continued]}[15th September 1990]

[Redbook7:298][19900916:2115b]{ Monsters: Evangelical Christians and the New Age [continued]}[15th September 1990]



According to the article,* in none of the cases in which social services have removed children from their parents on the grounds of satanic abuse, have the police found any evidence for satanism whatseover.

What the article picks out is the strong influence of (Evangelical) Christians not only in initiating this witch-hunt but actually as social workers themselves. It fits: not only with the attitude to other relatively harmless pleasures such as rock music** (although some recent lyrics certainly deserve condemnation and possibly prevention), but also with the extraordinarily sweeping condemnations of views different from their own which feature in evangelical hit-lists*** and books,**** of the sort I was lent a couple of years ago by a fundamentalist acquaintance.#

*– [The] Ind[ependent] 19900916:3 ‘Satanic cults: how the hysteria swept Britain’, by Rosie Waterhouse

[See last previous entry]

**& their opposition (in the USA) to homosexuality, marijuana, and TV programmes supporting things they don’t like <900917>

***One of the lists includes ‘stargazing’ (ref [next ms pages,] 299ff)

****eg Cumbey, ‘The Hidden Danger of the Rainbow’; Matrisciana, ‘Gods of the New Age’.

#ref V. [[Redbook5:51-61][19880314:1115]{Fundamental Points of View}[14th March 1988]ff] 51ff, et al



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