Wednesday 23 February 2022

{4096-year Cycles (1)}[18th September 1990]

[Redbook7:309][19900918:1040b]{4096-year Cycles (1)}[18th September 1990]


There’s a recurring question: – if this [time] is nearly the end of a 2048 year cycle, is it the C or the A~ point of a 4096 year cycle?

It would be convenient to say: look at the Industrial and Technological Revolution, this must be the A~ point.* But then one would have to find another one 4096 years before, c2048bce,** and history is not supportive: the Bronze Age, when Man first used metal, began before 3000bce in Greece, for example, but as late as c1800bce in China*** (and arguably has not yet begun in some areas). The use of copper alone was known in East Anatolia by 6500bce. During the second millennium the use of true bronze (which was only rarely used at first) greatly increased**** – so it just possibly might be permissible to see a significant materials change during that period from 2000bce.#

The Bronze Age ended c1000bce, giving way to the Iron Age and the use of Iron.

*(Or of a still longer cycle?)

**[bce = before common era (originally bc = before Christ)]

***(E[ncyclopaedia] B[ritannica] 2:548


#Wide ‘spread’ is to be expected: the current revolution ‘began’ c1760ce, >1/16th arc of the 4096 cycle. At least 1/8th is probably acceptable (that is an arbitrary or theoretical fraction, not experiential)



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