Thursday 17 February 2022

{Monsters: Evangelical Christians and the New Age [continued (5)]}[15th September 1990]

[Redbook7:305][19900916:2115e]{Monsters: Evangelical Christians and the New Age [continued (5)]}[15th September 1990]



The fact is that the Evangelical Movement appeals particularly to stupid people – that useful definition of stupidity as an inability/unwillingness to question received doctrine fits well here – the sort of people who are better at remembering facts than at forgetting them, found particularly at U~.*

One would expect a rise in fundamentalism to occur as we approach** a C degree: and for such a significant C as 2048ce, it will be a significant rise. The evangelicals have correctly perceived the battle between themselves and the New Agers *** to express the crucial spiritual crisis of our time: it is the battle for Outer Circle or Inner Circle rotation over the next 2,048 years.****

*{cf [[Redbook7:290-291][19900913:2209f]{Shaking-Out}[13th September 1990]] 290, n[=***]

**{or pass, surely – this may relate to the 64C in 1984.}

***[ie, as being (the battle)]

****[No pressure, then....]



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