Monday 28 February 2022

{Tradition in Music}[20th September 1990]

[Redbook7:311][19900920:1040]{Tradition in Music}[20th September 1990]


Another of many references, today,* to the way popular music is looking back – partly to the classics, mostly to the Sixties and early Seventies – practically to the exclusion of contemporary popular composers.** But of course: once again, just as 1968 – 1976 – 1984 was the arc G~-R~-C~,*** with music peaking perhaps 1/8th[-cycle] earlier than expected, so we are approaching the ‘classic’ arc 1992 – 2000 – 2008, S~-M~-U~ as we earlier left the romantic side.

‘Classic’**** does not mean classical music so much as an emphasis on tradition, on looking back rather than innovating; this is closely related to its sense in the classic v romantic conflict.

*ref [The] Guardian 19900920:27

**[And to a considerable extent still is, though there is (for a daily listener to Classic FM radio) perhaps a sense of the beginnings of what might replace it, in the combination of developing film music and a new kind of ‘serious’ or ‘classical’ music, particularly by contemporary female composers, with cross-fertilisation between the two. <20220109>]

***[64-year cycle]

****ie above <900921>


Sunday 27 February 2022

{Monsters}[18th September 1990]

[Redbook7:310][19900918:2200]{Monsters}[18th September 1990]


It’s interesting that the ‘satanic indicators’* thought up by (Evangelical) Christians and others to justify removal of children from their parents are almost exactly the kind of thing which in the late 60’s and early 70’s children would have been encouraged in as a means of expressing themselves and avoiding unnecessary inhibition.**

The swing from G~64(1968ce) towards M~64(2000ce) is remarkably sharp, and in some respects vicious.

*ref [[Redbook7:297-306][19900916:2115]{Monsters: Evangelical Christians and the New Age}[15th September 1990],] 297ff

**[& to some extent are again now? <20220109>]


Saturday 26 February 2022

{The Eve of St Agnes}[18th September 1990]

[Redbook7:310][19900918:1654]{The Eve of St Agnes}[18th September 1990]


The feast day of St Agnes, Patron Saint of young virgins, is 21 January; * and on the Eve of St Agnes, a young girl might see in a vision her future husband.

21st January marks the astrological division between Capricorn and Aquarius. The date 17th January, if I recall correctly, has some sort of significance for the actual or invented conspiracy pursued by three journalists in ‘The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail’.

It is also an early period – 17-21, that is – in the arc r~ of the inner circle, on a yearly calendar, where C is c21-25/12; the quality of r~ is, of course, Love, and its creative archetype is a young, innocent and beautiful girl, xS.

*Brewer [Dictionary of Phrase & Fable];

Chambers Book of Days


Wednesday 23 February 2022

{[The 2nd American Revolution]}[18th September 1990]

[Redbook7:309][19900918:1445]{[The 2nd American Revolution]}[18th September 1990]


EYES on the Prize (BBC2 [TV]). Louis Massiah and Terry Kay Rockefeller’s strong series about the American civil rights movement, has reached 1966-68. The years when the Black Panthers, in berets and fatigues, took their guns on to the streets to monitor police harassment of black people. The years also when Carl Stokes was elected to Cleveland, the first black mayor in a major city, and when to the right wing and paranoid Hoover and his cronies, it must have seemed [that] the second American revolution was about to break out.’

[– The] G[uardian], [19]900918:35

– But of course!









{4096-year Cycles (1) [continued]}[18th September 1990]

[Redbook7:309][19900918:1040c]{4096-year Cycles (1) [continued]}[18th September 1990]



The question* is relevant to the importance of 2048ce against 0ce. In the 2048 cycles, of course, their importance is equal – and that is a frightening** prospect in itself. But if the above* speculation were correct,*** this is only the midpoint of a 4096 year cycle, and therefore of secondary importance in that time scale.****

*[See last previous entry]

**and exhilarating!

***(There are crippling ambiguities at this sort of scale) <900921>

****(I have no opinion as to whether that is in fact the case) <900921>

[→ [[Redbook7:330-331][19900924:1248]{4096-year Cycles (2)}[24th September 1990]]


{4096-year Cycles (1)}[18th September 1990]

[Redbook7:309][19900918:1040b]{4096-year Cycles (1)}[18th September 1990]


There’s a recurring question: – if this [time] is nearly the end of a 2048 year cycle, is it the C or the A~ point of a 4096 year cycle?

It would be convenient to say: look at the Industrial and Technological Revolution, this must be the A~ point.* But then one would have to find another one 4096 years before, c2048bce,** and history is not supportive: the Bronze Age, when Man first used metal, began before 3000bce in Greece, for example, but as late as c1800bce in China*** (and arguably has not yet begun in some areas). The use of copper alone was known in East Anatolia by 6500bce. During the second millennium the use of true bronze (which was only rarely used at first) greatly increased**** – so it just possibly might be permissible to see a significant materials change during that period from 2000bce.#

The Bronze Age ended c1000bce, giving way to the Iron Age and the use of Iron.

*(Or of a still longer cycle?)

**[bce = before common era (originally bc = before Christ)]

***(E[ncyclopaedia] B[ritannica] 2:548


#Wide ‘spread’ is to be expected: the current revolution ‘began’ c1760ce, >1/16th arc of the 4096 cycle. At least 1/8th is probably acceptable (that is an arbitrary or theoretical fraction, not experiential)



Tuesday 22 February 2022

{Balance and Integration [continued]}[18th September 1990]

[Redbook7:308][19900918:1040]{Balance and Integration [continued]}[18th September 1990]


It’s worth considering – if (on the face of it, an unlikely event) C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis] were to become accepted as a valid static and dynamic model for Mankind – what would be the likely results.

Some indication can be gathered from the consequences of the 8-year J-cycles *(or at least some short-term cycles)* of economic prosperity having become known to governments after about 1930: that the cycles have been considerably, but not altogether, flattened out. The flattening-out of historical, cultural and religious cycles, as well as economic cycles, would tend towards a World in balance and the possibility of harmony – although still susceptible to unexpected upsets (eg natural catastrophes such as meteorite impact?[)]


I think I’m going to finish this [journal ms note]book before I get to the end of the year, dammit.

*[Words between * & * inserted in ms]


Monday 21 February 2022

{Balance and Integration}[18th September 1990]

[Redbook7:307-308][19900918:1010]{Balance and Integration}[18th September 1990]


But* the I[nner] C[ircle] is the inspiration for the O[uter] C[ircle]. This must be so if the Spirit {is} to be the unveiled centre of Man, the Clear Light shining through the whiteness of +C†I~, who must be the guiding degree. It is extraordinarily difficult to describe this adequately.

In the balanced and integrated person, the Left and Right (G~ and M~) are horizontally in balance,** +C†I~ is the highest and A~ the lowest,*** and the Inner Circle is pre-eminent over the Outer Circle through the Clear Light of the Spirit illuminating all colours from the Centre within.

The Individual is aware of the whole pattern equally, behind his conscious point of view. Beyond that is the presence of the Creator-Soul**** of the Creation.#

*[See last previous entry]

**{cf [[Redbook7:266][19900827:2250e]{Love, Sex and Marriage [continued (18)]}[27th August 1990]/ant?] 266}

***(cf VIII [] 23)

****a hyphen: ‘Creator-Soul[’]; not a dash.

#I had great difficulty in ‘fitting in’ that last sentence <900924>

[Not physically – there is plenty of space in the ms]



Sunday 20 February 2022

{Literary Analysis (and Synthesis)}[18th September 1990]

[Redbook7:307][19900918:0943]{Literary Analysis (and Synthesis)}[18th September 1990]


‘I would take a copy of the text and sit up on the roof in the grime*... and try and take the thing apart technically, to see why this scene or that scene worked.’

Ind[ependent] 19900917:16 (Playwright Ian Curteis talking to Danny Danziger on his six months as a general assistant at Joan Littlewood’s Theatre Royal, Stratford East, in 1956)

I only put this in to remind myself what I ought to be doing. I tend all too easily to be wholly sucked into the work of art, which is the ideal for approaching it (synthesis?), instead of analysing it as well. This** is, presumably, a balanced rotation under C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis]: synthesis and analysis, necessary if one is to mesh at all with the World-as-it-is.

*[Presumed word unclear in ms]

**[ie both]



Friday 18 February 2022

{Monsters: Evangelical Christians and the New Age [continued (7)]}[15th September 1990]

[Redbook7:306][19900916:2115g]{Monsters: Evangelical Christians and the New Age [continued (7)]}[15th September 1990]



If I have to choose, my heart is always with the New Agers; but basically, I follow the line that’s given to me,* wherever it leads.

I just think that the Evangelicals in Britain are getting dangerously big for their boots.**

*[Presumably what is meant here (reckoning by the general tenor of this Journal) is the inner-arising line: not just anything anyone suggests; & not uncritically]

**{I also think that, in the end – and before very long – the activities and attitudes of Evangelical Christians may mean the end of Christianity by that name.}


{Monsters: Evangelical Christians and the New Age [continued (6)]}[15th September 1990]

[Redbook7:305-306][19900916:2115f]{Monsters: Evangelical Christians and the New Age [continued (6)]}[15th September 1990]



The New Agers, for all their faults and their potential for corruption (which usually means money or power, ie an O[uter] C[ircle] rotation, of both of which Evangelicals are at least as capable if not more so), emphasise Unity, Love and Synthesis, which makes them primarily inner circle. On the whole, and pacé new Scientist, they do use their brains; their fault is that they pay too little attention to the wisdom of {some of} those who have worked before them (such as scientists).

The fault of Evangelicals, for all the similarity in practices between the two groups, is exactly the opposite: they don’t use their brains, but pay too much attention to {some of} those who have gone before them (except for scientists).



Thursday 17 February 2022

{Monsters: Evangelical Christians and the New Age [continued (5)]}[15th September 1990]

[Redbook7:305][19900916:2115e]{Monsters: Evangelical Christians and the New Age [continued (5)]}[15th September 1990]



The fact is that the Evangelical Movement appeals particularly to stupid people – that useful definition of stupidity as an inability/unwillingness to question received doctrine fits well here – the sort of people who are better at remembering facts than at forgetting them, found particularly at U~.*

One would expect a rise in fundamentalism to occur as we approach** a C degree: and for such a significant C as 2048ce, it will be a significant rise. The evangelicals have correctly perceived the battle between themselves and the New Agers *** to express the crucial spiritual crisis of our time: it is the battle for Outer Circle or Inner Circle rotation over the next 2,048 years.****

*{cf [[Redbook7:290-291][19900913:2209f]{Shaking-Out}[13th September 1990]] 290, n[=***]

**{or pass, surely – this may relate to the 64C in 1984.}

***[ie, as being (the battle)]

****[No pressure, then....]



Wednesday 16 February 2022

{Monsters: Evangelical Christians and the New Age [continued (4)]}[15th September 1990]

[Redbook7:305][19900916:2115d]{Monsters: Evangelical Christians and the New Age [continued (4)]}[15th September 1990]



I don’t think there is much to choose between this* evangelical nonsense (the last three pages of which** may in fact have been composed by my fundamentalist acquaintance of a couple of years back)*** and the New Age nonsense it attempts to describe.****

The only reason I include this* here, when I would much rather have left it out as I did in 1988,*** is because of the acute actual danger which evangelical stupidity is now beginning to represent.

(Funny how the more extreme New Age and similar sects were accused by parents and Churches of taking teenagers and young adults from their parents, and now the Evangelicals appear to be doing exactly the same for young children through the agency of Social Services.)

*[See last previous entry, fn=****]

**[3012A-304A; see fn=* above]

***ref V. [[Redbook5:51-61][19880314:1115]{Fundamental Points of View}[14th March 1988]ff] 51ff [&c]

****(Stand up the man who added: ‘Or the C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis] nonsense which purports to describe both of them’)



Monday 14 February 2022

{Monsters: Evangelical Christians and the New Age [continued (3)]}[15th September 1990]

[Redbook7:298(-304A)][19900916:2115c]{Monsters: Evangelical Christians and the New Age [continued (3)]}[15th September 1990]



The Evangelical witch-hunt* can be described in classic C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis] terms.

As traditional Protestantism moves on an O[uter] C[ircle]** rotation from its origin on the Right (hence the singing and dancing, possibly sincere but still an absurd parody of real artistic inspiration and commitment), fear of the approaching Left semicircle leads to ‘reactionary’ dogmatism among the more stupid members and a renewal of hatred of all Left semicircle phenomena*** – in symbolic fact, a witch-hunt.


*[See last previous entry]

**ref [] earlier

***{See [[Redbook7:310][19900918:2200]{Monsters}[18th September 1990,] 310}

****[The next 6 ms pages, 299A-304A, contain documents (or possibly photocopies thereof) which are not included in the ts or blogged, as follows:


300A-D: ‘Suggested Reading List. as requested’# [including about 20 titles, an organisation, & a pamphlet);

301A: ‘A List of “Occult” and associated titles – Common to “NEW AGERS”’ [Actually a list of practices, cults, &c, including (among other, more obviously New Age/anti-Christian items): Handwriting analysis, Rudolf Steiner, Martial arts, Mascots, ‘Holy’ objects, Fantasy role-playing games, Psychoanalysis, Freud, Voices in the mind, Standing stones, Church pagan connections, Yoga, Tribal dancing, Electric shock treatment, Stargazing, Stonehenge, Indian elephants, Pyramids, Serpents, Myths, Modernism liberalism & the social gospel, New thought, Swedenborgianism, Unitarianism, Marxism, Moral Rearmament, Gurdjieff, Sufi, False religions, Hypnosis, “Dungeons & Dragons”, Communism, Buffaloes, Pagan tourist places, “Star Wars”, False philosophies, Belief systems, Mary worship;

3012A-304A: [Difficult to summarise, but essentially about the development of a new world religion under a claimed new world teacher, and the need for Christians to prepare themselves to stand up against it & be persecuted by it.]

#[?not by the writer of this Journal(?)]

