Saturday 14 November 2020

{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (1)}[29th January 1990]

[Redbook7:22-30][19900129:0118]{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (1)}[29th January 1990]



So far as personal life-cycles* are concerned, my guess is that the impulses of the dynamic circles are precise on the period-doubling-multiple [sic] interval system; but that personal obstinacy and hesitancy delays and distorts their being put into effect.

Certainly in my own life the age of 16 marks (as I have remarked earlier)** a sudden change among my contemporaries (and, presumably, in myself, although I was there already) from child to young adult:*** in most, the onset of civilisation. And at 32, or within six months before it, in December 1982, I decided to give up employment and become self-employed in pursuit of my Spirit; the fact that this went wrong at first is (I hope) only a minor hiccup, soon corrected.****

*[cf (eg?) [Redbook4:58][19870819(&20):0000]{Life Circles}[19th August 1987];

[Redbook4:176-178][19871125:1630c]{Life Cycles}[25th November 1987];

[Redbook4:255-256][19871223:2200]{Personal Circles[/Cycles]}[23rd December 1987]&f;[Redbook6:81)][19890105:1022c]{C.A.S Life Chart}[5th January 1989];

[Redbook6:82)][19890105:1022d]{Doubling Life Cycles}[5th January 1989]ff]

**ref III. ? [[Redbook3:56-58][19870329:1210f](DEVELOPMENT [continued(3)])[29th March 1987];

& cf (in) [1]]

***And at 16[,] I began to write.**

****[& irrelevant?]



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