Thursday 26 November 2020

{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (1) [continued (13)]}[29th January 1990]

[Redbook7:28-29][19900129:0118l]{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (1) [continued (13)]}[29th January 1990]




Now, the interesting about this* – in the nature of the period-doubling of the Circles – is that the [outer] G~ degree, suggesting Revolution towards Simplification, of the 1st 32-year circle, the ?Learning Circle – when I abandoned Law – as well as being the m~ of the contra-rotating 32-year [inner] circle, suggesting Inward Action towards Harmony, is the A~a~ of the 2nd 16-year circle (the ?Informal Learning Circle),** suggesting Distraction towards Fragmentation (& Evolution).

I am uncertain of the application of each period. Age 16-32 seems to coincide with attempt [sic] (however half-hearted) at, and retreat from, conventional career: its scope is fairly narrow. Age 0-32, however, is obviously a life-up-until-now, and concerns the whole of personal orientation and relationships (It looks as though the Crisis at the meeting of the smaller circles, eg 2nd and 3rd 16-year periods, is for practical purposes swallowed up in the Crisis at the meeting of the larger circles, eg 1st and 2nd 32-year periods; but it may be possible to identify the lesser component of the larger at a later stage).

Within the 2nd 16-year cycle, an 8-year cycle from 16 to 24 (1975) covers education for Law (starting with History [to A-level] at school), and another from 24 to 32 covers miscellaneous Accounting-type employment *** (the [housing charity] in 1976 being a link-point) – this is also my period in the Territorial Army,**** approximately.

(Within these you find approximately 4-year, etc., periods, eg 4-5 years [Accountants] and before, c3 years at [the Trade Association].

Therefore, the period 16-32 which in terms of conventional careers represents a whole cycle of attempt and abandonment, in terms of personal orientation represents the Distraction-Fragmentation-Revolution-Simplification-CRISIS phase of the attempt (imposed on me) to build an Outward-oriented life. This actually makes sense in the context of my feelings from 16+ to c20, and subsequently, in a way which is hard to explain except by means of Circle mapping.

*[See last previous entry, &ant]

**[[Redbook7:24-25][19900129:0118f]{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (1) [continued (6)]}[22nd January 1990]]

***{This is awfully complicated!}

****[ie the Army Reserve]



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