Monday 22 June 2020

{Love and Sex (9) [continued (3)]}[4th October 1989]

[Redbook6:289-290][19891004:1242c]{Love and Sex (9) [continued (3)]}[4th October 1989]


Genital love, unfortunately, is not quite so precise a term as genital intercourse, per the analysis of Gregory’s letter (earlier):* there is a vital difference between the ‘bowels of love’, felt in (any or all of) back, middle and front – rectal area, lower stomach, and genitals – on the one hand; and what I suppose might be called ‘enlargement’** in both male and female organs (corresponding to what is known as*** the ‘excitement’ stage of sexual intercourse – misleadingly, in one sense). 

It might be practical to analyse and describe the two phases as... no, I can’t think of anything. How about ‘minor’ and ‘major’ genital love? Or, rather better, ‘emotional genital love’ and ‘copulative (or ‘coital’) genital love’?

These are rather unwieldy; what about ‘Pro-coital love’ for the enlargement stage, which is clearly leading towards genital intercourse? | And ‘Pro-motive love’ for the love felt in the bowels, including genitals, but not in enlargement? – The thinking behind ‘Pro-motive’ is that this manifestation of love, although it can move ‘forward’ into enlargement and pro-coital love, more usually moves upwards to emotional love {(}which may be the love felt in the central stomach{)} **** and is a great mover: it motivates not only higher forms of love but, through them, the actions of its own and the higher loves. I have noticed, too, that it tends to occur only when fairly obviously reciprocated, at least as love if not necessarily in the same form: I suppose that it is an initiating form of attraction, responding to its reciprocal in mutual attraction capable of leading to mutual love; but it does not necessarily (as Gregory’s letter# suggests)#* occur only at an early stage in relationships, I believe. (Or does it?)

*ref [[Redbook6:190-193][19890803:0908d]{Love and Sex (5)}[3rd August 1989]ff,] 190

**[ie engorgement]

***E[ncyclopaedia] B[ritannica] 10: 676 ‘Sexual intercourse’

****[[Redbook6:190-193][19890803:0908d]{Love and Sex (5)}[3rd August 1989]ff,] (p191)

#ref [[Redbook6:190-193][19890803:0908d]{Love and Sex (5)}[3rd August 1989]] 190

#*(assuming he’s talking about the same thing!)
{Does it?}



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