Monday 8 June 2020

{A Dream: Of Following [xS]}[29th September 1989]

[Redbook6:280][19890929:1130c]{A Dream: Of Following [xS]}[29th September 1989]


I did dream last night, very briefly and simply, of a figure who seemed to be xS,* who on setting out to lead me on a walking-camping expedition declined to take anything in her pack (not that I was conscious of carrying anything myself) except what appeared to be half-a-dozen or so of heavy-ish metal objects, shining metallic-silver in colour, each one or two feet in length, whose nature or function I could not quite perceive, but which she popped into her back-pack (as it was perhaps already on her back); and as she also quite naturally declined to wear any clothes at all, I had a further brief and agreeable, but not particularly sexually arousing, vision of following her attractive bottom up the hill as we set out on our journey.**
Her pack, although worn like a back-pack, was itself similar to the knitted-nylon-net type of bag in which our tent poles are kept – but smaller. So where the objects simply large pegs – ie to mark the perimeter, the Circle – perhaps eight of them (I didn’t count)?

*(I did not clearly register her face)

**(This is faintly reminiscent of a Biblical intermediary – was it Moses? – who was only allowed to see God’s rear quarters, as the sight of God’s face would be too glorious: although there is no comparison with God, it may well be that at present I am not in a fit state.... Oh well, there are compensations.)


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