Sunday 17 May 2020

{Two Dreams: [(1)] Of a young girl ghost….}[17th September 1989]

[Redbook6:263][19890917:0012]{Two Dreams: [(1)] Of a young girl ghost….}[17th September 1989]


This (Saturday) morning – two vivid dreams – in the first I was in a house known to be haunted, and thanks to something of mine the ghost materialised: a dark-haired girl of I suppose about ten years old. I felt great love for her. Apparently her name was Mary.*

Suddenly she appeared again, flying past one way, then the other, several times, each time with a most vivid clap of thunder: like an aircraft breaking the sound barrier. She seemed happy, though on a different plane** from us at all times.

At one stage she flew against my upraised hand and I felt that she was solid, substantial, if not necessarily physical. She seemed to react a little against the luminosity of my wristwatch (I thought it was); I wanted next to try her with a cross (perhaps from my signet ring), hoping very much that she would not flee from it, but the dream ended first.

*{Our friends’ 4-year-old Mary was being a little disturbed in her behaviour to our children at that time, but I doubt if this is connected with that.}

**[As it were!]


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