Saturday 16 May 2020

{An experience: Opening my eyes to the Creed}[15th September 1989]

[Redbook6:262][19890915:0950]{An experience: Opening my eyes to the Creed}[15th September 1989]


The day before yesterday I dozed off (while reading one of [Canon][XQ]’s* books I think) but was awoken by an intense experience of deep male voices chanting behind me – the **Creed, I thought – but I – in reality – could not open my eyes, dreaming that therefore I could not read the Creed with them. In fact, of course, when after great struggle I did succeed in opening my eyes, the dream stopped. (On the Quiet Day*** I had been sitting with [XQ]* at the front of a church of booming clergy when I could not find my place in the Welsh service, and therefore missed out on the first 2/3[rds] or so of the Creed.)

Archishop [J], whom I met with yesterday – the third occasion**** on which I had spoken to [sic] him, but this time for an hour and a quarter – is a most excellent man.

*[See eg [Redbook6:218][19890823:1725]{Healing}[23rd August 1989] inc fn*]

**{Apostles’ [Creed], presumably}


****{cf [[Redbook6:324-325][19891016:1119#]{English Bishops, Registry Office Weddings}[16th October 1989],] 324
cf V. [[Redbook5:121-122][19880523:1212b]{Church (2)}[23rd May 1988]] 121}


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