Tuesday 19 May 2020

{Mary Magdalen}[17th September 1989]

[Redbook6:264-265][19890917:0012c]{Mary Magdalen}[17th September 1989]


The idea that Mary Magdalen and Jesus Christ had a sexual relationship, or wanted to – an idea more and more popular in our sex-obsessed culture – falls down not only on Jesus’ apparent quality and teaching, but on the fact that if, as was almost certainly the case, the Magdalen was a prostitute, she would have had very few illusions about men, and sex would not have been for her an expression of love: the last thing she would have wanted from Jesus would have been sex.

In any case, the records indicate that she was filled with remorse for her past life, in the presence of Jesus; and given his quality, the codes of the culture, and the effect he had on other people, there is no reason to doubt this.


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