Friday 15 May 2020

{Love}[14th September 1989]

[Redbook6:261][19890914:1148]{Love}[14th September 1989]


It is relatively easy – if you are that kind of person – to love all people in a generalised way, from a distance: as I did in my late teens and early twenties.* It is quite common, as you pass round the outer circle and get to know people moderately well by their attributes in relation to your own, to grow to like and dislike people on that basis. What we have to do as we get to know and understand individuals better still is to grow to love all people for what they are. In perfect communication is perfect Love – it is only imperfect communication which, even as it improves, may for a while reduce one’s liking for some {individuals}.

A similar progress may occur in a love affair: first, being in love with the ‘dream ideal’ identified in the other; then, like or dislike on the basis of everyday attributes; and after this, real Love for the real Spirit which is the Life inspiring the Soul of the other.

*[[Redbook3:58-59][19870329:1210g](DEVELOPMENT [continued(4)])[29th March 1987]]


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