Monday 18 May 2020

{[Two Dreams:][...(2)] – and of a female flyer’s memories altered}[17th September 1989]

[Redbook6:263-264][19890917:0012b]{[Two Dreams:][...(2)] – and of a female flyer’s memories altered}[17th September 1989]


In the second dream, I can only remember two parts: in the first, I was with a competent female* Harrier** pilot;*** in the second, as in a thriller film, the girl ran off downstairs,**** and I ran after; but before I caught up with her, she had been apprehended by two tall,# alien-looking (eg Chinese?) men, who had injected her with something which altered her memory:#* they watched, smiling unpleasantly, as she walked back upstairs and straight to a young man #** who she evidently thought was her boyfriend.#*** He seemed to accept her embrace warmly, but on it being explained to him what had happened he passed her on to me, and I was left with the task of bringing her somehow back to her old self. I had only got as far as convincing her that she was not in reality who she now thought she was, ie that her memories had been changed, when the dream ended.#****

Elements in both these dreams## may be related to memories from the previous few days; but the girl in the second dream may also be accounted for as a symbol of the Soul. No meaning for the first dream## occurs to me as yet; but once again, the girl may represent the Soul, in which case the outcome may still be open.

*{ie a Soul – mine?}

**[Vertical take off and landing military jet aircraft]

***{ie a spiritual flier; an ‘Angelic’ soul?}

****{ie descent from a spiritual height?
eg O[uter] C[ircle]? (or just I[nner] C[ircle]?)}


#*{eg re-education; but also, see changes over last few months}

#**{Completion of circle?}

#***{The Church? The Church’s Jesus?}

#****{How terrifying!}

##{(See [last previous entry] above [[Redbook6:263][19890917.0012]{Two Dreams: [(1)] Of a young girl ghost….}[17th September 1989],] p263[,] re first [dream]}


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