Sunday 8 December 2019

{The Gospels [continued (3)]}[17th July 1989]

[Redbook6:158-159][19890717:2354c]{The Gospels [continued (3)]}[17th July 1989]


As I have remarked,* the Christ of John is becoming the archetypal Christ of the unconscious, as seen through the coloured and distorting lens of the Gospel-writer’s own spiritual sensibility. Luke merely heightens Jesus’ portrait with a little artistic licence applied to his doings and sayings, and the original still shines clearly through. John is no Artist: he is a theological Philosopher, and perhaps (being no Artist) paradoxically less aware of the distorting creative power of his own unconscious. His Christ is, indeed, no Human. The Christ of the S[ynoptic] G[ospels] is always Human, and recognisably Jesus.

*{ref [[Redbook6:137][19890610:1020]{The Archetypal Christ}[10th June 1989]] above}
[& see last previous entry]


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