Saturday 14 December 2019

{A Prophet of Islam [continued (3)]}[22nd July 1989]

[Redbook6:162-163][19890722:1004c]{A Prophet of Islam [continued (3)]}[22nd July 1989]


As a work of primary or secondary scholarship, of course, it is simply rubbish: almost wholly unreliable on account of its inaccuracy, its refusal to apply the analytical methods throughout, and its obvious partiality [sic].

It is dangerous, though, because many who are interested enough in religious and spiritual matters to read it, but have not been given any kind of Christian teaching or any training in methods of scholarship, may well accept it at face value; and the stated intention of the book is that we should abandon the Hellenic-Christian spiritual, ethical and analytical basis of our Western civilisation and adopt rigid Muslim codes of belief and practice, covering and restricting the whole of life and thought.

It is also full of misprints – generally several per page – of which the happiest is (from M[at]t[hew] 9:8): ‘When the mulitude saw it, they marvelled, and glorified God, who had given such a power to Men.’ I like the idea of a crowd or congregation as a stubborn, sterile, hard-working mulitude.


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