Monday 31 December 2018

{Undine (1) [continued]}[15th August 1988]

[Redbook5:285-286][19880815:0040]{Undine (1) [continued]}[15th August 1988]


The problem with this sort of thing* is that you are treated either as a genius, or insane. Neither, of course, is the correct response. I am one of the sanest people I know, when I am working at this; my neuroses come when I deflect myself for too long. And if there is a genius at work, technically speaking I am not it.

It is, of course, a long way from most people’s experience, and from the experience most people would regard as normal.** If it is not to be just a curious byway of the mind, at most, my task is to bring out of it what is valuable to Man as a whole: which is precisely what I am trying to do.

In this present experience there is no sexuality: perhaps because I am not in bed.***  I think there are no fins, either. But there is that loving warmth that seems to suffuse the whole body with its warmth [sic], and the Mind with its love.

Sometimes she – the nearest one – looks down for a while at the hands on her lap; then she may lift her eyes to mine, so that I meet a glance of the clearest blue, and an innocence I find hard to describe: a depth of innocence, an innocence (I suspect) of great wisdom.****

*[See last previous entry]

**I do realise!

***[ie with [W], with predictable consequences]

****{cf xS (III... [(eg)[Redbook3:98-99][19870404:1005g]{Resonance [continued]}[4th April 1987];
[Redbook3:103-104][19870404:1005l](INNOCENCE{:[xS]})[4th April 1987]ff ;
& eg [Redbook3:123-124][19870405:1057f](BELIEF AND KNOWLEDGE{1}[continued(6)])[5th April 1987]ff])
(but see [[Redbook5:295-296][19880815:0935]{Undine (3)}[15th August 1988],] 296}



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