Thursday 20 December 2018

{Dream Nakedness}[14th August 1988]

[Redbook5:277-278][19880814:1130e]{Dream Nakedness}[14th August 1988]


The ‘fins’* are interesting, as they seem to be an attempt to de-sexualise (although not de-gender) these* girls during the dream. I have never had the impression that these# dream girls disapprove of sex, or are ignorant of it: it is just that, during the dreams[,] they seem to have other things on their (and my) mind.** Their nakedness is, I think, the nakedness of innocence and intimacy, rather than of sexual intercourse.

I suspect that the repeated recent theme of my own clothes has to do with this, and with the casting off of outer (circle) layers, rather than the classic interpretation (ie, that I am in a situation where I feel I do not belong). What is interesting is that I am now in there with them, naked with them, although obviously still needing reassurance that my old ‘outer’ ways are still there!

My adventures with these Undines go back a very long way:# – [sic] nearly two decades, at the very least.#* Of all the inhabitants of this strange world whom I have so far encountered, it is they whom I love most – not surprisingly, if Love is their inner Quality.#**

I do not think that I am trying to repress sexual feelings of any sort: there is not the slightest trace of guilt in me that I am aware of, now. I see this as a perfectly understandable attempt to place sexuality slightly to one side for the moment, at a point when it seems prima facie indicated but is inappropriate because it gets in the way of the real business (I relate this to the Inner Life, not the outer). #*** There are plenty of everyday circumstances in which the same is true, eg when you have to strip in front of a lady Doctor or Nurse for medical examination.#****

*[See last previous entry but 2, [Redbook5:275-276][19880814:1130b]{Two Dreams: Of swimming with fair-haired girls [continued]}[14th August 1988]]

**cp [2:] xP: ‘I’ve a purpose here, and it isn’t sex.’

***(Can you imagine anything more disconcerting, while writing this,**** than being crawled over by 3-year old daughter, shining a torch in my ears and eyes; and who has now gone, leaving beside me a huge torch, a toy tank, and a pair of used socks?)

****[An arrow inserted later points this marginal note towards the last entry but one; everything since [Redbook5:275-276][19880814:1130]{Two Dreams: Of swimming with fair-haired girls}[14th August 1988] would have been written at one sitting.]

#ref I. [ref not found] 135Aff;
& II. [[Redbook2:39A][19740528]{Dream of a Community of Girls}[28th May 1974][Aged 23]] 39A,
[[Redbook2:82B][19760221:0000]{A Dream? – of Water and Death}[21st February 1976]] 82B,
[[Redbook2:96F][19770129:0000]{A Dream: Of Four River-Nymphs}[29th January 1977]] 96F.
[& see eg [Redbook4:219-224][19871213:2005]{Walking with the Fair-haired Girl}[13th December 1987]; & esp
[Redbook4:219-220][19871213:2005c]{Walking with the Fair-haired Girl [continued (3)]}[13th December 1987]]

#*(But somewhere at the back of my mind is a hint of memory of childhood dreams of this kind.)

#**&cp [2], +C to xS on ‘The Simplicity of Nakedness’
[(– presumably a reference here to Simplification as their outer Principle.)
For you above all of us,
the simplicity of nakedness
is the only dress you need;
for what else could do justice to Love?
But the full glory of immortal Love
is too bright for most Men:
it must be covered,
or it will burn them....’
(– +C to xS, near the end of [2] as originally drafted)

#***I suppose the reason I bang on [sic] about sex so much is because I am aware of the likely conventional interpretations of such dreams, in Freudian and other terms.
{cf [[Redbook5:303-305][19880817:1703]{Sexual Love}[17th August 1988],] 303}
[& [Redbook5:279-282][19880814:1540b]{Sexual Intercourse (& Dream Nakedness)}[14th August 1988]]

#****or, of course, go swimming naked in a mixed group.
[as the writer did frequently from childhood through the teenage years, in mixed groups of all ages;
eg [Redbook1:26][19680416:2250]{The Lake}[16th April 1968][Age 16]]

[It seems obvious reading this now that not just the fins, but (given the evident fluidity of these forms over time) the physical immaturity apparent, were all part of the same message, that sexuality was not appropriate – a message that, whoever or whatever it came from, seems to have been clearly understood at the time. This understanding is perhaps particularly relevant, and also possibly pre-conditional, to what manifested later that day: [Redbook5:285-287][19880815:0040]{Undine (1)}[15th August 1988]. <20181220>
& cf [Redbook4:221-222][19871213:2005e]{Walking with the Fair-haired Girl [continued (5)]}[13th December 1987], para 2 (&3) <20190102>]


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