Sunday 23 December 2018

{Sexual Intercourse (& Dream Nakedness) [continued]}[14th August 1988]

[Redbook5:279-280][19880814:1540c]{Sexual Intercourse (& Dream Nakedness) [continued]}[14th August 1988]


*Sexual intercourse, between the sexes, may be an outer expression of that marriage of left and right, ‘female’ and ‘male’,[***] in the inner World, which can only occur through the loving and harmonising Way of the Inner Circle (sealed by +CI~ in Unity). There is some reason** to believe that whereas the Outer Circle ‘unwinds’ and leaves behind everything it passes; the Inner Circle ‘winds up’ and carries everything it encounters up towards Harmony, and Unity. The ‘female’,*** or left Degrees are therefore carried round to join the ‘male’*** or right Degrees, the meeting point being presumably near, or shortly before, a~.****

In one sense, therefore, the place for an outer expression of this, ie sexual intercourse (&/or marriage), is there,# at Diversity (or Creation).# On the other hand, the pattern T.XIV – TXX as an analogy for pregnancy has been noted;#* and the whole area of T.XIV as well as the card itself, with the emphasis on transfer of fluid etc., is an apt analogy for sexual intercourse. This is after all the Transformation Point between Outer Circle (Right- or Male[-] dominated) and Inner Circle (Left- or Female- dominated, at this stage anyway).

*Some of this may have been covered earlier.
[Yes, almost certainly; and probably more than once]

**(per [2], & mathematically)
(cp? The Working Day) (IV?[[Redbook4:263-264][19871227:0040b]{The Daily Grind}[26th December 1987]f])

***I said I wouldn’t call left and right ‘female’ and ‘male’, not long ago. But this is a special case.
[cf [Redbook5:270-271][19880812:1704d]{In Two Minds [continued (4)]}[12th August 1988]]

****But see [[Redbook5:271][19880812:1704e]{In Two Minds [continued (5)]}[12th August 1988]] 271!
[Lower case here signifying Inner Circle]

#[ie at a~ (or j~; see [[Redbook5:271][19880812:1704e]{In Two Minds [continued (5)]}[12th August 1988]]]

#*II.[[Redbook2:357][19850101:1225]{Birth and Rebirth}[1st January 1985]], near end?
[& [Redbook3:135-136][19870406:2300c](SEX AND GENDER [continued(3)]: True Love and the Death of the Self)[6th April 1987]



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