Thursday 6 July 2017

{The Tarot Pack [continued (5)]}[21st December 1987]

[Redbook4:252-253][19871221:1955c]{The Tarot Pack [continued (5)]}[21st December 1987]


In fact again,* I speculate (and repeat?) that none of the Court cards (or [the] Numbers) are dynamic in the way that the Greater Tarots [sic]** are.*** This would explain why (under this system) some Court Cards (or Numbers) occupy the same position as some Tarots.** The nature of the two types of card is quite different: the Lesser Tarots are precise, the Greater Tarots are personal; the former describe positions, the latter [describe] states of mind (stations?). I think (although this is a highly subjective impression and therefore subject to bias towards the expected result) that on Knights and Queens, the Cardinal Tarots (where the Court Cards are) are more ‘static’, the diagonal Tarots are more ‘dynamic’.****

Simply, and generally, the Cardinal Tarots after# VI show figures stationary, and the diagonal Tarots after# VII show figures moving (TX and TXVII at A~ are slightly ambiguous, this being the point of the Dance; TXVII by its theme is linked explicitly with TXIV#*, at R~, which is exactly what one would expect).

*[See last previous entry, last para.]

**[Presumably, Greater Trumps.]

***But they may cover a considerable arc, up to a quarter of the Circle.

****Have I mentioned this before?

{Of all the cards depicting people, the only ones who seem to be dancing are (I believe for different reasons):
TXXI The World
K.Cl King of Clubs.}

#[= from, surely?]

#*where it is the fluid which moves.



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