Friday 24 March 2017

{The Weight of Sin (1) [continued (8)] – Homosexuality}[29th November 1987]

[Redbook4:183][19871129:2107k]{The Weight of Sin (1) [continued (8)] – Homosexuality}[29th November 1987]


*So what about homosexuality? What about the anal bonding of stable relationships? Surely this is not Separation?

First, let me declare an interest. Anal intercourse – the idea – disgusts me: perhaps because I once thought I might be homosexual; perhaps because of potty training.** But is it evil?

The answer is, indeed, in Separation: in the complex relationship of physical matter and spiritual separation. This relationship is more easily observed than explained: in the deeds Men will do for worldly goods, including real estate, and in the effect of money on their minds.

Sexual gratification is*** just another worldly good: if part of the desire for it may arise from a distortion of the need for Love and inner security, the same is true of other material desires.****

*[See last previous entries from [Redbook4:180][19871129:2107d]{The Weight of Sin (1)}[29th November 1987].]

**(And I seem to recall the disgust on my mother's face when she changed one of my infant siblings' dirty nappies. [W] is good at hiding this: I, not so good.) <891003>

***(in itself) <891003>

****(rather distracted throughout)



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