Wednesday 29 March 2017

{The Weight of Sin (1) [continued (13)] – Sexual Selflessness]}[29th November 1987]

[Redbook4:185-186][19871129:2107o]{The Weight of Sin (1) [continued (13)] – Sexual Selflessness]}[29th November 1987]


*The point is that marriage demands a degree of self-sacrifice, of self-less-ness, from both parties[,] whose full extent only becomes apparent when children are contemplated, as it is primarily for the benefit of neither party, but for them**. Great sensitivity is required in the asking of the question*, both to oneself and to the other, which is one reason why*** pornography is evil: because it blunts the sensitivity and obliterates the question.

But in the face of such a question*[as “Am I prepared to have a baby with this person?”], [male] homosexual [anal] intercourse**** seems hardly better than bestiality. Tenderness is no better expressed in the sexual than in the merely physical:# sexual sensations are strong meat for tender feelings. Mutual gratification is not#* to be confused with the self-less-ness contemplated in procreative marriage.#**

Not that any of us achieve perfection, of course; and many have#*** children for their own satisfaction, which I suppose is a kind of fornication.#****

*[“Am I prepared to have a baby with this person?” – See last previous entry.]

**{i.e. the children.}

***(?the intention behind) <891037>

****[Presumably, as defined in [Redbook4:183][19871129:2107k]{The Weight of Sin (1) [continued (7)] – Homosexuality}[29th November 1987], i.e. 'the anal bonding of stable relationships'? This whole series of entries seems unnecessarily harsh in its conclusions. <20170123(20170313)>]
[BUT cf. [Redbook4:188][19871130:0920]{The Weight of Sin (2) – Sexual Intercourse and Love}[30th November 1987]ff;
& especially [Redbook4:190][19871130:0920e]{The Weight of Sin (2) [continued (6)] – Homosexuality: Summary}[30th November 1987]]

#But intimacy can be expressed in sexual (and perhaps therefore in homosexual?) penetration to an intensity possible in no other way – in Love. <930511>
[& See [Redbook4:188][19871130:0920]{The Weight of Sin (2) – Sexual Intercourse and Love}[30th November 1987]

#*(Train of thought lost here.)

#**But sexual intercourse can and should be selfless: each struggling for the gratification of the other. <930511>

#***i.e. produce[!] <891003>

#****V. [] 277, 303; VI. [] 13, etc.



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