Saturday 3 July 2021

{The Reservoir of Truths (Extract)}[14th July 1990]

[Redbook7:167][19900714:2218]{The Reservoir of Truths (Extract)}[14th July 1990]


*‘[Roger] Penrose [, a theoretical physicist at the University of Oxford,] believes that … “out there” somewhere is an infinite reservoir of truths to which mathematicians have access but from which computers are excluded.’

[–]N[ew] S[cientist] 19900714,1725:39, ‘Is the Universe a computer[?]’ by Julian Brown

(and see the rest of the article, especially on that page, re propositions such as P which says that proposition P cannot be proved – a computer cannot compute this, and it cannot be proved (– it is a paradox –), but human consciousness knows that it must be true. Penrose believes that the brain’s ability to do this is related to ‘unsolved questions in quantum theory’.**

*{cf [[Redbook7:186][19900804:1125]{The Reservoir of Truths (2)}[4th August 1990],] 186}

**But Penrose in ‘The Emperor’s New Mind’ says, apparently, that ‘neither classical nor quantum mechanics... can ever explain the way in which we think.’ (N[ew] S[cientist] 1990084:60, Review by Theodore Roszak)<900804>*


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