Friday 23 July 2021

{Stone Me!}*[30th July 1990]

[Redbook7:178][19900730:1951]{Stone Me!}*[30th July 1990]


I know that this is no laughing matter; but I do think that the Rabbi might have chosen his words more carefully:

[A news cutting from the Independent of 19900730:[p]4, which is inserted here in the ms but cannot be reproduced for copyright reasons, reports an attack on a Jewish cemetery in which swastikas and anti-semitic slogans were daubed on graves and headstones broken. ‘Rabbi Jacob Rubinstein said yesterday: “It is a terrible thing to think there are people who would do this to the resting places of the dead. We are extremely concerned to think that, in light of what has happened to other cemeteries, these people are **|crawling out from under stones again.|**”’]

(I had better add that although I can understand how distressing and worrying this sort of thing can be,*** this particular form of racism is almost certainly copycat by near-mindless youths, and of little significance.****

*[An expression of amazement in UK English slang....]

**[|*Final 6 words marked in ms for emphasis.|*]

***{We get it here in Wales, too – against us, on walls and rocks.}

****Cf the 1959-60 rash of anti-semitic slogans in the USA (E[ncyclopaedia] B[ritannica] 16:610. <19901007>


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