Friday 2 July 2021

{Homeless Female Schizophrenia (Extracts)}[14th July 1990]

[Redbook7:166][19900714:2052b]{Homeless Female Schizophrenia (Extracts)}[14th July 1990]



[A newspaper article headlined ‘Schizophrenia high in homeless women’ copied here, which cannot be reproduced for copyright reasons, includes the following passages:]

*|‘Schizophrenia may be more than twice as prevalent among homeless women as destitute men, research suggests.’ …. **

‘Dr. Marshall said: “The pattern of life for these women is that they tended to become mentally ill first in their early thirties.|* *** Until they were about 36, they managed to stay in jobs... and live in cheap accommodation. Then they moved into bed and breakfast and on average became homeless at about 42.**** Thirty# had slept rough.

‘“It could be that the combination of mental illness and the reduced availability of cheap accommodation made it impossible for them to cope any longer.”

‘About 10 per cent of homeless people are women. Dr Marshall said: “Women seem to be more resilient than men and it is only when they become very ill that they become homeless. There seems to be a spiral downwards. Younger women tend to cope in unhappy relationships or stay with friends and it is only when they can’t cope that they become homeless.”’#*

*[Text between *| & |* marginally highlighted in ms]


ref [also] II [[Redbook2:372[19850923:0048c]{The Man Made of Glass}[23rd September 1985]] Endpapers (Jan-Feb birthdates more likely for Schizophrenics)

[discussed with extracts at [Redbook4:230-232][19871215:2232]{Schizophrenia (2)}[15th December 1987]ff, 

& esp (re birthdates) at [Redbook4:232][19871215:2232d]{Schizophrenia (2) [continued (4)]}[15th December 1987].]

***Mid-(working-)life crisis, 32 years ff.


Note: that the crisis resolution period (C → M~/g~) of the 2nd 32-year cycle leads from A~ → J~/u~ on the 1st 64-year cycle.

#[out of a study of 70 homeless women living in two central London hostels, with an average age of 52, of whom nearly 2/3rds had previously been in a mental hospital; several studies of homeless men had found that about half had previously been in a mental hospital.]

#*([The] Ind[ependent] 19900712:3)


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