[Redbook7:182][19900731:2305h]{Ideas and Tiredness}[31st July 1990]
Interesting: I am so tired that I can hardly hold open my eyes; yet although I know that I could not argue sensibly in speech, or discuss a domestic problem with [W], feeling like this (I have often had to abandon discussion of that (domestic)* sort because tiredness prevented me from understanding her or my argument), the only problem with these written points is writing them down.
This suggest the possibility of a strong unconscious influence in the formation of these written ideas.**
**[& possibly a connection between sleep-dreaming and day-dreaming/creativity; & cf a recent study which identified a correlation between narcolepsy and creativity. The present writer’s most creatively productive work is normally done in the hours after midnight, irrespective of how tired he felt before he started it.<20210730>]